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We did it!!!

Leigh Jackson

We arrived in Santiago at 12:12 yesterday! What an amazing and surreal feeling. After wanting, hoping, dreaming and praying, we arrived in Santiago to walk though a small festival outside a little church, where they were making homemade churros, cookies cakes for the start of Holy Week. A band riding in the back of an open air truck was playing loudly and waving to us and some type of cannon was going off! Of course we liked to think it was because we made it, but between the beginning of Holy Week and the 800th Anniversary of the Cathedral, we just happened to be there during a festive time.

Walking towards the Cathedral was a very surreal experience for me. We were less than 1/2 a km away from our goal. I have walked around 875 km and Adam 920 km to be here. I have cried my eyes out many times thinking that I could not and would not make it, and now we are here. It was extremely emotional for me as we made our way closer and closer. Walking through the tunnel right before the enterance to the Cathedral square was a man playing the bagpipes. It could not have bee more perfect, as Adam and I turned the corner, there it was. I had done it. He had done it. Together, we had walked the Camino Frances, and some of the Via de la Plata!

After a moment I went inside the church to go to the service for the pilgrims which they have every day at noon. Although I could only understand a little bit, it was overwhelming to be there, wearing my backpack holding my stick, with so many other pilgrims whose journey had brought them here. More soon…



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